Pedestrian safety at the Ambassador Hotel demolition site
We are pleased to report that demolition continues at the former Ambassador Hotel. In September, interior abatement and demolition began, followed by exterior demolition beginning in November. The entire demolition process is expected to take 4 to 5 months and should be completed in March 2020.
As part of this process, some lane and sidewalk closures have been necessary. Beginning in November, these closures went into effect and will remain throughout the rest of the demolition. You may view the traffic control plan, pedestrian detour plan, and MDOT-SHA permit, all of which are also published to our website here.
Unfortunately, it has come to the attention of our development team that many pedestrians commuting through the area are failing to follow the guidance of sidewalk closures and are not using the available crosswalks. Many of these pedestrians proceed around detour signage, walk around construction fencing, and continue along the road, sometimes even crossing the street mid-block through traffic. These activities are extremely dangerous and highly discouraged.
In response to these revelations, the development team and demolition contractor are seeking to implement additional measures, in an abundance of caution, to help mitigate the risk of harm to pedestrians commuting around the demolition site. Before the end of January, commuters can expect to see several new safety enhancements for traffic and pedestrians alike, including flagging operations. Until that time, we ask all commuters to continue exercising caution around the demolition site. Please be sure to follow the guidance of all posted sidewalk closures and detour signage, and we encourage taking full advantage of the available crosswalks.
Site map showing pedestrian detour plan and sidewalk closure area in red. Click to enlarge.
Throughout this demolition, our number one priority is the safety and security of commuters and pedestrians around the demolition site. During this time, we ask that you please be vigilant and pay close attention to detour and wayfinding signs, flagging operations, caution tape, and other traffic control measures. Failure to follow these directions may result in a citation from local law enforcement or even risk your safety.
We thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. Our development team is committed to keeping the community informed and maintaining an open dialog, and we will keep you informed through these emails and on our website. If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us directly.