Wheaton Gateway Sketch Plan Approval Extended to May
April 22, 2022: The Montgomery County Planning Commission approved a Wheaton Gateway request to extend the regulatory review period for the project’s sketch plan. That review period now expires on May 26, 2022.
Wheaton Gateway Sketch Plan Approval Extended
The Montgomery County Planning Commission approved a Wheaton Gateway request to extend the regulatory review period for the project’s sketch plan at its Feb. 10 meeting.
Feb. 10, 2022- The Montgomery County Planning Commission approved a Wheaton Gateway request to extend the regulatory review period for the project’s sketch plan at its Feb. 10 meeting. The review period was set to expire on Feb. 24 and will now expire on April 28, 2022. Read more.
Wheaton Gateway files Sketch Plan with M-NCPPC
The Wheaton Gateway development team submitted a revised sketch plan to the Maryland-National Park & Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) on December 24, 2021. You can review the sketch plan on the M-NCPPC website, HERE.
January 19, 2022 - The Wheaton Gateway development team submitted a revised sketch plan to the Maryland-National Park & Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) on December 24, 2021. You can review the sketch plan on the M-NCPPC website, HERE.
An initial sketch plan for this project was accepted by M-NCPPC earlier this year in March. After receiving comments on the initial Sketch Plan submission through the Development Review Committee process, the team worked to both address comments and evaluate the impact of the global pandemic. The current Sketch Plan is the result of productive feedback from both the community and Staff and reflects the team’s approach to addressing anticipated market conditions.
Following are the enhancements that are included in the revised Sketch Plan that was filed.
Improved Public Open Spaces
The Community Use Urban Park/Urban Plaza was enhanced and is now more pedestrian centered.
The central pick-up/drop-off/turnaround is reconfigured and relocated to within the parking structure.
Consolidation of Kensington Entrances
The two garage entrances accessed from Kensington Boulevard are now consolidated into one.
Phasing and Sections
The manner in which the project is described has been clarified to avoid confusion. Sections are now used to describe areas of land and phases are used to describe periods of development. The first phase is now anticipated to include the two northernmost buildings (Sections 1 & 2). The larger building at the intersection of Veirs Mill Road and University Boulevard is now anticipated in Section 3 in Phase 2.
The Wheaton Gateway team is confident that the improvements reflected on the updated sketch plan will further establish Wheaton Gateway as a dynamic new mixed-use, mixed-income community with inviting public use space available to residents, visitors, and the broader community.
What Happens Next
The Montgomery County Planning Department staff will now review this revised sketch plan as the project continues to move towards a hearing before the Planning Board. We will announce the Planning Board hearing date on the project website once it is known.
After ultimate approval of the Sketch Plan, the next planning milestone will be the submission of a Preliminary Plan of Subdivision, as well as a Site Plan. These plans will be submitted with the benefit of the feedback received on the Sketch Plan from both the Montgomery County Planning Department staff, the community (you), and the Planning Board. A mandatory public pre-submission meeting will again be held within 90 days prior to the initial application date of these future Site and Preliminary Subdivision Plan applications. We will announce these dates here and on the project website once they are known.
Learn more at wheatongateway.com.
The Wheaton Gateway Development Team
Wheaton Gateway’s Role in Achieving Montgomery County’s Climate Action Plan
The Wheaton Gateway development partnership’s goal is to leverage HOC’s well-located assemblage of properties to develop, in several phases, a vibrant, mixed-use, mixed-income community of modern, energy-efficient buildings that host a variety of uses and amenities that the marketplace demands.
The Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC), one of the three development partners of Wheaton Gateway, recently submitted a report on Wheaton Gateway’s role in achieving the goals of Montgomery County’s Climate Action Plan, released by County Executive Marc Elrich earlier this year.
“In the pursuit of a more equitable society, we, the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County, believe the principles of environmental and climate justice are among the top priorities,” the report’s cover letter begins. “As an organization located in Montgomery County, MD, which has been a national leader in response to the challenges imposed by climate change, imparts increased importance on the HOC’s focus on sustainable, resilient design.”
The report highlights the clarion call of the Montgomery County Council in 2017, declaring a climate emergency and demanding the focus of all available resources toward achieving zero carbon emissions by 2035. In response, the County’s Climate Action Plan outlines a strategy to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 80 percent by 2027 and 100 percent by 2035. The Climate Action Plan details the effects of a changing climate on Montgomery County and includes strategies to reduce GHG emissions and climate-related risks to the County’s residents and businesses, as well as the built and natural environment.
Outlined within the Climate Action Plan is a “Vision for Building a Healthy, Equitable, Resilient Community.” This includes specific priorities of newly constructed buildings, including:
High-performance buildings should be equitably available to all County residents.
Increase energy conservation and efficiency and decrease fossil fuel use in all buildings, with the County leading by example with its own building portfolio.
Support sustainable, carbon-neutral building design, improvements, and energy sources.
Building upon the same sustainability and resiliency efforts previously programmed into HOC’s proposed Hillandale Gateway development, the Wheaton Gateway project will strive to exemplify all these priorities, as well. The Wheaton Gateway development partnership’s goal is to leverage HOC’s well-located assemblage of properties to develop, in several phases, a vibrant, mixed-use, mixed-income community of modern, energy-efficient buildings that host a variety of uses and amenities that the marketplace demands. In addition, the development will be to a scale and of a character encouraged by the Wheaton Central Business District and Vicinity Sector Plan, which was adopted in 2012.
What’s Next in the Development Process
The Wheaton Gateway development team continues the project’s development process as it pursues its Sketch Plan and has requested an extension until February 2022 to continue refinements. Until then, the Sketch Plan is scheduled to go before the Development Review Committee on September 28, 2021.
As the Wheaton Gateway project continues to move through the development process, we invite you to learn more about the philosophies of our development partners, the project’s sustainability targets, the proposed building program, and to help us realize our innovative and forward-thinking, mixed-income and mixed-use development known as Wheaton Gateway, coming soon to Wheaton, MD.
About Wheaton Gateway
Wheaton Gateway is a proposed mixed-use residential and retail property in Wheaton, MD featuring mixed-income, multi-family housing, and exciting new commercial spaces. The proposed redevelopment project is located at the intersection of University Boulevard and Veirs Mills Road.
The project is led by a partnership formed by The Duffie Companies, a family-owned real estate company focused on highly sustainable building practices and headquartered in eastern Montgomery County; Willco, a leading developer, owner, investor, and manager of first-class commercial real estate based in the Washington, DC metropolitan areas; and the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) of Montgomery County, a quasi-governmental agency that provides affordable housing and supportive services to enhance the lives of the low- and moderate-income families and individuals in Montgomery County.
For the very latest information about Wheaton Gateway, please see our news and updates or the frequently asked questions on the project website. If you have any other questions or comments, you can contact us directly.
The Wheaton Gateway Development Team
Wheaton Gateway Sketch Plans Available to View Now
The Wheaton Gateway Sketch plan application was formally accepted by the Maryland-National Park & Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) on March 15, 2021, and is available to view online now! We want to share these Sketch plans with you directly so that you have an opportunity to review them and provide us with direct feedback.
Sketch Plans Available to View Now
The Wheaton Gateway Sketch plan application was formally accepted by the Maryland-National Park & Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) on March 15, 2021, and is available to view online now!
We want to share these Sketch plans with you directly so that you have an opportunity to review them and provide us with direct feedback here.
What Happens Next
Montgomery County Planning Department staff will now review the application, provide feedback to our development team, and schedule a meeting with the Development Review Committee (DRC). Following the DRC meeting, there will be a hearing before the Planning Board.
After ultimate approval of the Sketch Plan, the next planning milestone will be the submission of a Preliminary Plan of Subdivision, as well as a Site Plan. These plans will be submitted with the benefit of the feedback received on the Sketch Plan from both the Montgomery County Planning Department staff, the community (you), and the Planning Board. A mandatory public pre-submission meeting will again be held within 90 days prior to the initial application date of these future Site and Preliminary Subdivision Plan applications. We will announce these dates here and on the project website once they are known.
These future Site and Subdivision Plan applications will again go before the DRC and again before the Montgomery County Planning Board for a vote. Once the future Site Plan and Subdivision plans are approved and entitlements are received, the team will pursue building permits for a first phase of development, and upon their issuance, construction will commence. It is not anticipated that construction on the first phase will commence earlier than 2023.
Watch Our Sketch Plan Presentation
In December, nearly 100 members of the community, elected and appointed officials, civic associations, and other prominent leaders from throughout the broader Wheaton area came together for a virtual Sketch Plan pre-submission community meeting with the Wheaton Gateway development team. If you missed the presentation, you can watch it now below.
See Our Updated Frequently Asked Questions
Since the Sketch Plan pre-submission community meeting for Wheaton Gateway was held in December, the development team has received several inquiries related to design, programming, public amenities, parking, traffic, and much more. We have updated our Frequently Asked Questions page, and we invite you to get answers to the very latest questions you’ve asked.
Have another question? We encourage you to share your feedback by contacting us directly. We will endeavor to respond to all of the questions and comments we receive, and while we cannot guarantee to accommodate all public feedback, we can assure you that our development team is listening and will carefully consider all the suggestions we receive.
We thank you for your continued interest in Wheaton Gateway. For the very latest information, please see our news and updates or the frequently asked questions on our website. If you have any other questions or comments, we always invite you to contact us directly.
The Wheaton Gateway Development Team
Watch the Wheaton Gateway Sketch Plan presentation now
Last Thursday, nearly 100 members of the community, elected and appointed officials, civic associations, and other prominent leaders from throughout the broader Wheaton area joined a virtual Sketch Plan pre-submission community meeting for Wheaton Gateway with the project’s development team.
Last Thursday, nearly 100 members of the community, elected and appointed officials, civic associations, and other prominent leaders from throughout the broader Wheaton area joined a virtual Sketch Plan pre-submission community meeting for Wheaton Gateway with the project’s development team.
The virtual community meeting provided an opportunity for the public to review the plans for the redevelopment of about 5 acres near the intersection of University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road in Wheaton, MD. At this meeting, representatives of the project team discussed the proposal and answered questions about the redevelopment.
Watch the Presentation and Submit Feedback
If you were able to attend the live event, or if you want to see the Sketch Plan presentation again, we invite you to watch it online now.
We also encourage you to share your feedback by contacting us directly. We will endeavor to respond to all of the questions and comments we receive, and while we cannot guarantee to accommodate all public feedback, we can assure you that our development team is listening and will carefully consider all the suggestions we receive.
What Happens Next?
Wheaton Gateway, LLC will file a Sketch Plan application with the Montgomery County Planning Department of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
Once entitlements are received, the team will pursue building permits for a first phase of development and upon their issuance, construction will commence. It is not anticipated that construction will commence earlier than 2023.
We thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. For the very latest information, please see the latest news and updates on our website. If you have any questions or comments, we invite you to contact us directly.
The Wheaton Gateway Development Team
View the Wheaton Gateway Sketch Plan Early and Submit Your Feedback Now
In advance of the virtual pre-submission meeting on December 3, you are invited to view the Sketch Plan online now. We are making the plans available in advance of the virtual meeting so you may review them, ask questions, and share feedback.
You're Invited to Join Us For a Virtual Meeting
The Wheaton Gateway development team invites you to attend a virtual Sketch Plan pre-submission meeting on Thursday, December 3, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. You may register online to join the meeting from your computer or mobile device, or you may join with listen-only audio by calling (914) 614-3221, with access code 168-419-452 #.
The virtual meeting will provide an opportunity to review the plans for the redevelopment of about 5 acres near the intersection of University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road in Wheaton, MD. At this meeting, representatives of our project team will discuss the proposal and answer questions about the redevelopment. The site is currently home to the Lindsay Ford dealership, and is also the former site of the Ambassador Hotel and Mattress Firm, both of which have now been demolished.
View the Sketch Plan and Submit Your Feedback
In advance of the virtual pre-submission meeting on December 3, you are invited to view the Sketch Plan online now. We are making the plans available in advance of the virtual meeting so you may review them, ask questions, and share feedback. We will endeavor to answer any questions asked prior to that date during the virtual meeting, or you may provide comments or ask questions live during the meeting.
While we cannot guarantee to accommodate all public feedback, we can assure you that our development team is listening and will carefully consider all the comments and suggestions we receive.
What Happens Next?
Following the virtual meeting date, Wheaton Gateway, LLC will file a Sketch Plan application with the Montgomery County Planning Department of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
Once entitlements are received, the team will pursue building permits for a first phase of development and upon their issuance, construction will commence. It is not anticipated that construction will commence earlier than 2023.
We hope you can attend on December 3 and look forward to sharing more information about the project. We encourage you to register online and join us live. If you are not able to attend, the presentation will be available to watch online following the virtual presentation at WheatonGateway.com, where you may continue to submit feedback to us, as well.
We thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. For the very latest information, please see the latest news and updates on our website. If you have any questions or comments, we invite you to contact us directly.
The Wheaton Gateway Development Team
Development team to host virtual pre-submission meeting for Wheaton Gateway Sketch Plan
The Wheaton Gateway development team invites you to attend a virtual Sketch Plan pre-submission meeting on Thursday, December 3, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. At this meeting, representatives of our project team will discuss the proposal and answer questions about the redevelopment.
You're Invited to Join Us For a Virtual Meeting
The Wheaton Gateway development team invites you to attend a virtual Sketch Plan pre-submission meeting on Thursday, December 3, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. You may register online to join the meeting from your computer or mobile device, or you may join with listen-only audio by calling (914) 614-3221, with access code 168-419-452 #.
The virtual meeting will provide an opportunity to review the plans for the redevelopment of about 5 acres near the intersection of University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road in Wheaton, MD. At this meeting, representatives of our project team will discuss the proposal and answer questions about the redevelopment. The site is currently home to the Lindsay Ford dealership, and is also the former site of the Ambassador Hotel and Mattress Firm, both of which have now been demolished.
What's Being Developed?
Wheaton Gateway is a proposed vibrant, new mixed-use development that will feature mixed-income, multi-family housing, and new commercial spaces that incorporate the highest levels of sustainability. The project will be designed and eventually constructed in a number of phases over many years. All combined, the project will encompass a mix of up to 901,150 square feet of total development with up to 46,323 square feet of commercial use and up to 854,827 square feet of residential use (with up to 800 dwelling units consisting of 70% market-rate units and 30% Moderately Priced Dwelling Units). Learn more about the project with our Frequently Asked Questions here.
Earlier this year, the development team hosted a virtual presentation of the Wheaton Gateway Concept Plan for the public to learn more about the project, ask questions, and share feedback. You can watch that presentation here.
What Happens Next?
Following the virtual meeting date, Wheaton Gateway, LLC will file a Sketch Plan application with the Montgomery County Planning Department of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Once entitlements are received, the team will pursue building permits for the first phase of the development, and upon their issuance, construction will commence. It is not anticipated that construction will commence earlier than 2023.
We hope you can attend on December 3 and look forward to sharing more information about the project. We encourage you to register online and join us live. If you are not able to attend, the presentation will be available to watch online following the virtual presentation at WheatonGateway.com, where you may continue to submit feedback to us, as well.
We thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. For the very latest information, please see the latest news and updates on our website. If you have any questions or comments, we invite you to contact us directly.
The Wheaton Gateway Development Team
Official Notice: Wheaton Gateway Pre-Submission Community Meeting Dec. 3 at 7:00 p.m.
Dear Neighbor, Wheaton Gateway, LLC cordially invites you to attend a virtual Sketch Plan pre-submission meeting to review plans for the redevelopment of ± 5 acres of land near the intersection of University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road in Wheaton, Maryland.
The following letter was distributed on November 18, 2020 to the surrounding community in both English and Spanish.
November 18, 2020
RE: Wheaton Gateway Pre-Submission Community Meeting
Dear Neighbor,
Wheaton Gateway, LLC cordially invites you to attend a virtual Sketch Plan pre-submission meeting to review plans for the redevelopment of ± 5 acres of land near the intersection of University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road in Wheaton, Maryland. Details for the virtual meeting are as follows[1]:
Date/Time: Thursday, December 3, 2020 at 7:00 PM
Virtual Location: www.wheatongateway.com
Call-in Number: (914) 614-3221; Access Code: 168-419-452 #
Email Address: info@wheatongateway.com
At this meeting, representatives of our project team will discuss the proposal and answer any questions about the redevelopment of the overall site, which is currently home to the Lindsay Ford dealership, the former Mattress Firm (which has now been demolished), and the former Ambassador hotel (which has now been demolished). More specifically, the site includes the following properties in the Commercial Residential, Commercial Residential Neighborhood, and Residential-60 (R-60) zones[2]:
11200 Veirs Mill Road (i.e., Lot P1, Block C, Triangle Park subdivision);
11250 Veirs Mill Road (i.e., Parcel P282, Hermitage subdivision);
11217 - 11227 East Avenue (i.e., Lots 7-13 , Block F, Kensington View subdivision);
2715 University Boulevard (i.e., Lot 2, Block C, Triangle Park subdivision); and,
Lot 1 Upton Drive (i.e., Lot 1, Block J, Kensington View subdivision).
For these properties, Wheaton Gateway, LLC is proposing a vibrant, new mixed-use development that will feature mixed-income, multi-family housing and new commercial spaces that incorporate the highest levels of sustainability. The project will be designed and eventually constructed in a number of phases over many years. All combined, the project will encompass a mix of up to 901,150 square feet of total development with up to 46,323 square feet of commercial use and up to 854,827 square feet of residential use (with up to 800 dwelling units consisting of 70% market rate and 30% Moderately Priced Dwelling Units).
Our presentation materials will be available for review on the above-referenced website in advance of the virtual Sketch Plan pre-submission meeting on December 3rd. Should you have any questions, please note that you will be able to send them prior to the meeting to the email address listed above, or you may provide comments or ask questions during the meeting.
After the meeting date, Wheaton Gateway, LLC will be filing a Sketch Plan application with the Montgomery County Planning Department of the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Once filed, the Planning Department will assign a case number to the Sketch Plan application, which will allow for convenient tracking of the application as it undergoes Planning Department review. For more information about the development review process and opportunities to participate, please contact M-NCPPC at (301) 495-4610 or visit their website at www.montgomeryplanning.org.
We hope you can attend on December 3rd and look forward to the opportunity to provide you with information about this project. If you are not able to attend, the presentation will be published to the website at www.wheatongateway.com.
Shane Pollin
Director of Development
[1] Please feel free to register to join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, or access listen-only audio separately just by calling on your phone.
[2] The specific zoning designations for the applicable Commercial Residential and Commercial Residential Neighborhood zones are: (i) CR-3.0, C-2.5, R-2.5, H-10; (ii) CR-5.0, C-4.5, R-4.5, H-130; and (iii) CRN-1.5, C-0.25, R-1.5, H-45).
18 de noviembre de 2020
RE: Reunión Comunitaria Previa a la Presentación de Wheaton Gateway
Estimado Vecino:
Wheaton Gateway, LLC cordialmente le invita a asistir a una reunión virtual previa a la presentación del Croquis para revisar los planes para el desarrollo de ± 5 acres de tierra cerca de la intersección de University Boulevard y Veirs Mill Road en Wheaton, Maryland. Los detalles de la reunión virtual son los siguientes[1]:
Día/Hora: Jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020 a las 7:00 PM
Sitio Virtual: www.wheatongateway.com
Llame al Número: (914) 614-3221; Código de Acceso: 168-419-452 #
Correo Electrónico: info@wheatongateway.com
En esta reunión, los representantes de nuestro equipo de proyecto discutirán la propuesta y responderán cualquier pregunta en general sobre el desarrollo del sitio, lugar donde actualmente se encuentran el concesionario Lindsay Ford, la antigua Mattress Firm (que ha sido demolida) y el antiguo Hotel Ambassador (que ha sido demolido). Más específicamente, el sitio incluye las siguientes propiedades en las zonas Comercial Residencial, Vecindario Comercial Residencial y Residencial-60 (R-60)[2]:
11200 Veirs Mill Road (a saber, Lote P1, Bloque C, subdivisión Triangle Park);
11250 Veirs Mill Road (a saber, Parcela P282, subdivisión Hermitage);
11217 - 11227 East Avenue (a saber, Lotes 7-13 , Bloque F, subdivisión Kensington View);
2715 University Boulevard (a saber, Lote 2, Bloque C, subdivisión Triangle Park); y,
Lote 1 Upton Drive (a saber, Lote 1, Bloque J, subdivisión Kensington View).
Para estas propiedades, Wheaton Gateway, LLC propone un nuevo y vibrante desarrollo de uso mixto que contará con viviendas multifamiliares de ingresos mixtos y nuevos espacios comerciales que incorporen los más altos niveles de sostenibilidad. El proyecto se diseñará y eventualmente se construirá en varias fases durante varios años. De manera combinada, el proyecto abarcará una composición de hasta 901,150 pies cuadrados de desarrollo total con hasta 46,323 pies cuadrados de uso comercial y hasta 854,827 pies cuadrados de uso residencial (con hasta 800 unidades de vivienda consistentes en 70% según las tarifas de mercado y un 30% de unidades de vivienda con precios moderados).
Nuestros materiales de presentación estarán disponibles para su revisión en el sitio web indicado antes de la reunión virtual previa a la presentación del Croquis el 3 de diciembre. Si tiene alguna pregunta, tenga en cuenta que podrá enviarla antes de la reunión a la dirección de correo electrónico indicado anteriormente, o puede hacer comentarios o preguntas durante la reunión.
Luego de la fecha de la reunión, Wheaton Gateway, LLC presentará una solicitud de Croquis con el Departamento de Planificación del Condado de Montgomery, Comisión de Planificación y Maryland-National Capital Park. Una vez archivada, el Departamento de Planificación asignará un número de caso a la solicitud del Croquis, lo que permitirá un seguimiento conveniente de la solicitud a medida que se somete a la revisión del Departamento de Planificación. Para obtener más información sobre el proceso de revisión del desarrollo y las oportunidades para participar, comuníquese con M-NCPPC al (301) 495-4610 o visite su sitio web en www.montgomeryplanning.org.
Esperamos que pueda asistir el 3 de diciembre y esperamos tener la oportunidad de brindarle información sobre este proyecto. Si no puede asistir, la presentación se publicará en el sitio web en www.wheatongateway.com.
Shane Pollin
Director de Desarrollo
[1]No dude en registrarse para unirse a la reunión desde su computadora, tableta o teléfono inteligente, o tener acceso solo al audio simplemente llamando desde su teléfono.
[2]Las designaciones de zonificación específicas para las zonas comercial residencial y vecindario comercial residencial aplicables son: (i) CR-3.0, C-2.5, R-2.5, H-10; (ii) CR-5.0, C-4.5, R-4.5, H-130; y (iii) CRN-1.5, C-0.25, R-1.5, H-45).
Demolition underway of former Mattress Firm building
Demolition is expected to begin later this week and is anticipated to be completed within a few weeks.
Thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. Our development team is committed to keeping the community informed of the activities taking place at the construction site.
In July, contractors began making preparations for the demolition of the former Mattress Firm building located at the corner of University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road. Demolition is expected to begin later this week and is anticipated to be completed within a few weeks.
The former Mattress Firm building, situated on the most prominent corner of the future site of Wheaton Gateway, follows the demolition of the adjacent Ambassador Hotel, completed earlier this year.
Development team to host livestream presentation of the Wheaton Gateway Concept Plan
On April 2, the Wheaton Gateway development team is inviting the public to join a livestream presentation of the Wheaton Gateway Concept Plan, where they can learn more about the project, engage the team, ask questions, and share feedback. Learn more and register for the livestream event.
On April 2, the Wheaton Gateway development team is inviting the public to join a livestream presentation of the Wheaton Gateway Concept Plan, where they can learn more about the project, engage the team, ask questions, and share feedback.
[ April 3, 2020 – Please note: This livestream presentation has concluded. Watch here > ]
We are committed to keeping the community informed and maintaining an open dialog. While we had originally planned to host this event in-person, in light of recent health concerns related to the Coronavirus we determined an online presentation would be best to ensure the community can remain engaged in the development process.
See the Concept Plan now and submit your feedback
To get an early look at the Concept Plan before the presentation and submit your feedback now, click below. Please note that while we cannot guarantee to accommodate all public feedback, we can assure you that our development team is listening carefully and will consider all the comments and suggestions we receive.
View Concept Plan and submit feedback >
If you have any questions or comments about this event, please contact us directly.
Wheaton Gateway concept plan submitted to M-NCPPC
View the concept plan now and submit your own feedback.
On February 28, 2020, the Wheaton Gateway development team submitted its conceptual site plan to the Maryland-National Park & Planning Commission (M-NCPPC). In the near future, the planning staff will review our application and provide feedback to our development team. We wanted to share these plans with you, as well, and provide an opportunity for the public to view the plans and provide feedback of your own.
Our development team invites you to view the concept plans and submit your feedback. While we cannot guarantee to accommodate all public feedback, we can assure you that our development team is listening carefully and will consider all the comments and suggestions we receive.
View Concept Plan & Submit Feedback >
What happens next
Earlier in February, these development concepts, along with a recommended plan, budget, and timeline, were approved by the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County’s Board of Commissioners. This approval paves the way for the formal development review process with M-NCPPC.
Once entitlements are received, the team will pursue building permits and upon their issuance, construction will commence. It is not anticipated that construction will commence earlier than 2023. Meanwhile, ongoing demolition activities are underway at the future site of Wheaton Gateway. Information about the completion of demolition is anticipated in the coming weeks.
We thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. Our development team is committed to keeping the community informed and maintaining an open dialog. For the very latest information, please see the latest news and updates on our website at WheatonGateway.com. If you have any questions or comments, we invite you to contact us directly.
HOC’s Board approves Wheaton Gateway budget, funding, and concept plan
Move paves the way for start of development application process.
Recently, senior staff members of the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) of Montgomery County presented a conceptual massing for the Wheaton Gateway project to the HOC Commission, the policy-making body of the agency appointed by the County Executive with the concurrence of the County Council.
The presentation by HOC staff included a summary of the development’s assemblage, diagrammatic massing studies to assist with the initial discussion between the development team and the Montgomery County Planning Department, a predevelopment budget, predevelopment funding, an anticipated predevelopment timeline, and a summary of recommendations. The Commission, which reviews and approves development plans for all HOC projects, gave its unanimous approval, paving the way for the start to the formal development application process.
The approval is only in service to HOC-related operations – specifically the predevelopment budget and funding, approval of a loan to the Wheaton Gateway development team (Wheaton Gateway, LLC), and approval of the concept plan for the redevelopment of the existing sites containing Ambassador Hotel, Lindsay Ford, and Mattress Firm. The outcomes of this presentation are an organizational action only and do not constitute approval by the Montgomery County Planning Board.
The formal approval of Wheaton Gateway by the Montgomery County Planning Board will follow an orderly progression through the entitlement process, which will be undertaken after the voluntary, informal discussion with Montgomery County Planning Department staff of the Concept Plan. The formal development application process can take a number of years and will include a sketch plan, preliminary plan of subdivision, and site plan. At each stage of this process, there will be community engagement and outreach activities, including required pre-submission meetings and public hearings. Approval from HOC’s board of commissioners will also be sought at each stage.
Commission meetings are open to the public. More information about current projects and upcoming meetings is posted on the HOC website. For a complete overview of how Montgomery Planning, landowners, and community members work together to review plans for new development, please see this brochure, which outlines the entire process.
We thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. Our development team is committed to keeping the community informed and maintaining an open dialog, and we will keep you informed through these emails and on our website at WheatonGateway.com. If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us directly.
All sidewalks around Ambassador to open on evenings and weekends
As we enter the final phase of the demolition of the former Ambassador Hotel, we are pleased to announce that the sidewalk segment, which is immediately adjacent to the Ambassador along westbound University Boulevard, will be open full time by the end of February.
Final weeks of pedestrian detours and traffic control
As we enter the final phase of the demolition of the former Ambassador Hotel, we are pleased to announce that the sidewalk segment, which is immediately adjacent to the Ambassador along westbound University Boulevard, will be open full time by the end of February.
In keeping with our traffic control plan, beginning February 3 and during active demolition work, the right-most lane of westbound University Boulevard immediately adjacent to the closed section of the sidewalk will be closed.
Please note that demolition activities will continue at the site throughout March and early April, but will take place only within the demolition site. No additional sidewalk or lane closures are expected beyond the end of February.
In response to requests from Montgomery County Councilmembers to revisit our pedestrian detour plan for these final weeks, we are making a key modification to the plan and adding a measure of safety that will be introduced beginning this weekend:
First, the modification: The sidewalk segment that is currently closed will be opened this weekend while demolition work is paused. Then, through the end of February, the sidewalk will be closed only during weekdays between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. On weekends, demolition work will pause, and the sidewalk will be open for use.
Second, the additional safety measure: Flaggers will be positioned at the road closure and key pedestrian access points to help directionally guide and inform pedestrians and motorists alike.
We thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. Our development team is committed to keeping the community informed and maintaining an open dialog through these emails and on our website at WheatonGateway.com. If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us directly.
Pedestrian safety at the Ambassador Hotel demolition site
The development team and demolition contractor are seeking to implement additional measures, in an abundance of caution, to help mitigate the risk of harm to pedestrians commuting around the demolition site.
We are pleased to report that demolition continues at the former Ambassador Hotel. In September, interior abatement and demolition began, followed by exterior demolition beginning in November. The entire demolition process is expected to take 4 to 5 months and should be completed in March 2020.
As part of this process, some lane and sidewalk closures have been necessary. Beginning in November, these closures went into effect and will remain throughout the rest of the demolition. You may view the traffic control plan, pedestrian detour plan, and MDOT-SHA permit, all of which are also published to our website here.
Unfortunately, it has come to the attention of our development team that many pedestrians commuting through the area are failing to follow the guidance of sidewalk closures and are not using the available crosswalks. Many of these pedestrians proceed around detour signage, walk around construction fencing, and continue along the road, sometimes even crossing the street mid-block through traffic. These activities are extremely dangerous and highly discouraged.
In response to these revelations, the development team and demolition contractor are seeking to implement additional measures, in an abundance of caution, to help mitigate the risk of harm to pedestrians commuting around the demolition site. Before the end of January, commuters can expect to see several new safety enhancements for traffic and pedestrians alike, including flagging operations. Until that time, we ask all commuters to continue exercising caution around the demolition site. Please be sure to follow the guidance of all posted sidewalk closures and detour signage, and we encourage taking full advantage of the available crosswalks.
Site map showing pedestrian detour plan and sidewalk closure area in red. Click to enlarge.
Throughout this demolition, our number one priority is the safety and security of commuters and pedestrians around the demolition site. During this time, we ask that you please be vigilant and pay close attention to detour and wayfinding signs, flagging operations, caution tape, and other traffic control measures. Failure to follow these directions may result in a citation from local law enforcement or even risk your safety.
We thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. Our development team is committed to keeping the community informed and maintaining an open dialog, and we will keep you informed through these emails and on our website. If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us directly.
Lane and sidewalk closures imminent at Ambassador Hotel demolition site
Exterior demolition is anticipated to commence in the coming days. The entire demolition process will occur over the next 4 to 5 months, lasting through spring 2020.
Throughout the summer, preparations were made ahead of the demolition of the Ambassador Hotel. In September, interior abatement and demolition began. Now, asbestos testing is complete, and the exterior demolition is anticipated to commence in the coming days. The entire demolition process will occur over the next 4 to 5 months, lasting through spring 2020.
As part of this process, some lane and sidewalk closures will be necessary. Beginning on the morning of Monday, November 18, 2019, lane and sidewalk closures go into effect and will remain closed for the remainder of the demolition, which is currently anticipated through March 2020. You may view the traffic control plan, pedestrian detour plan, and MDOT-SHA permit, which are also published to our website here. Our team has worked closely with the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services to ensure these closures are as unobtrusive as possible.
For vehicular traffic, only westbound lanes along University Boulevard (MD-193) will be affected, with the right-hand lane closed immediately adjacent to the demolition site. For pedestrian traffic, only the sidewalk along the north side of University Boulevard (MD-193) will be affected, with pedestrian traffic being detoured to the south side of the street. The bus stop along University Blvd West has been moved and will not return until the demolition is complete.
We thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. Our development team is committed to keeping the community informed and maintaining an open dialog, and we will keep you informed through these emails and on our website. If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us directly.
Traffic control plans and permits filed
In preparation for the next phase of demolition of the Ambassador Hotel, the Wheaton Gateway development team has filed the necessary traffic control plans and permits.
In preparation for the next phase of demolition of the Ambassador Hotel, the Wheaton Gateway development team has filed the following traffic control plan, pedestrian detour plan, and MDOT-SHA permit.
Dates for lane and sidewalk closures have not yet been announced.
Interior demolition of the Ambassador Hotel underway
The commencement of demolition was delayed a couple of months, but earlier in September, interior abatement and demolition began and is currently underway.
Thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. Our development team is committed to keeping the community informed and maintaining an open dialog. Earlier this summer, we invited the community to a series of public visioning workshops for Wheaton Gateway, and we look forward to holding additional community events in the future.
Throughout the summer, preparations were made ahead of the demolition of the Ambassador Hotel, including required tests and inspections. The commencement of demolition was delayed a couple of months, but earlier in September, interior abatement and demolition began and is currently underway. We anticipate exterior demolition to begin later this October. The entire process will occur over the next 4 to 5 months.
Our team is coordinating with the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services on necessary lane closures once exterior demolition begins. We will be sure to share more information about the traffic and pedestrian control plans once those details are finalized.
Thank you again for your interest. As more details are available, we will keep you informed through these emails and on our website. If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us directly.
Preparations being made for demolition of the Ambassador Hotel
Currently, preparations are being made ahead of the demolition of the Ambassador Hotel. We anticipate interior demolition will begin in July, and exterior demolition will begin in August.
Thank you for your interest in Wheaton Gateway. Our development team is committed to keeping the community informed and maintaining an open dialog. Earlier in June, we invited the community to a series of public visioning workshops for Wheaton Gateway, and we look forward to holding additional community events in the future.
Currently, preparations are being made ahead of the demolition of the Ambassador Hotel. We anticipate interior demolition will begin in July, and exterior demolition will begin in August. The entire process will occur over the next 4 to 5 months. As more details are available, we will keep you informed through these emails and on our website.
Thank you again for your interest. If you have any questions, we invite you to contact us directly.
A letter to the Wheaton Community
Dear Wheaton Neighbor, you are invited to participate in the visioning of Wheaton Gateway, a proposed redevelopment located at the intersection of University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road.
Dear Wheaton Neighbor,
You are invited to participate in the visioning of Wheaton Gateway, a proposed redevelopment located at the intersection of University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road. The site is currently home to Lindsay Ford, Mattress Firm, and the former Ambassador Hotel (the demolition of which slated to begin in the coming months). We understand the importance of this major intersection, the need for this development to contribute to the vision for a revitalized Wheaton, and the potential for this development to be a prominent entrance into the Central Business District.
The project is led by a partnership formed by The Duffie Companies (a family owned business focused on highly sustainable building and headquartered in eastern Montgomery County), Willco (a leading developer, owner, investor and manager of first-class commercial real estate based in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area), and the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC).
Wheaton is a place of authenticity, ethnic diversity, and deep historical roots. With this foundation, our team is confident that Wheaton is poised to capitalize on the qualities that already make it such a unique place to live, work, and play. This is Wheaton’s time to shine, and we believe that this project will play a major role in the community’s continuing, evolving story.
In recent years, several surveys and plans have been put forth by others for Wheaton’s future and many Wheaton residents have provided valuable feedback. Our development team has worked to learn from these previous efforts. We also recognize many of the goals outlined in the Wheaton Sector Plan, including reinvigorating downtown by creating a more walkable community with a distinct identity, fostering an environmentally-sustainable community, creating a vibrant mix of housing types and job opportunities, and designing quality public spaces that are inviting to pedestrians.
Our team’s vision is to create a new mixed-use residential and retail property that will include mixed income multi-family housing and commercial spaces consistent with the Wheaton Sector Plan. While our team looks forward to contributing toward Wheaton’s continued growth, we are eager to hear from you. We hope you can help us understand where you see opportunities and challenges in our ambitious redevelopment efforts.
We invite you to voice your vision for Wheaton Gateway and submit your feedback to our development team today using the form below.
Best regards,
Shane Pollin
Director of Development
The Duffie Companies
Bob Eisenberg
Chief Executive Officer
Stacy L. Spann
Executive Director
Housing Opportunities Commission