Wheaton Gateway files Sketch Plan with M-NCPPC
January 19, 2022 - The Wheaton Gateway development team submitted a revised sketch plan to the Maryland-National Park & Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) on December 24, 2021. You can review the sketch plan on the M-NCPPC website, HERE.
An initial sketch plan for this project was accepted by M-NCPPC earlier this year in March. After receiving comments on the initial Sketch Plan submission through the Development Review Committee process, the team worked to both address comments and evaluate the impact of the global pandemic. The current Sketch Plan is the result of productive feedback from both the community and Staff and reflects the team’s approach to addressing anticipated market conditions.
Following are the enhancements that are included in the revised Sketch Plan that was filed.
Improved Public Open Spaces
The Community Use Urban Park/Urban Plaza was enhanced and is now more pedestrian centered.
The central pick-up/drop-off/turnaround is reconfigured and relocated to within the parking structure.
Consolidation of Kensington Entrances
The two garage entrances accessed from Kensington Boulevard are now consolidated into one.
Phasing and Sections
The manner in which the project is described has been clarified to avoid confusion. Sections are now used to describe areas of land and phases are used to describe periods of development. The first phase is now anticipated to include the two northernmost buildings (Sections 1 & 2). The larger building at the intersection of Veirs Mill Road and University Boulevard is now anticipated in Section 3 in Phase 2.
The Wheaton Gateway team is confident that the improvements reflected on the updated sketch plan will further establish Wheaton Gateway as a dynamic new mixed-use, mixed-income community with inviting public use space available to residents, visitors, and the broader community.
What Happens Next
The Montgomery County Planning Department staff will now review this revised sketch plan as the project continues to move towards a hearing before the Planning Board. We will announce the Planning Board hearing date on the project website once it is known.
After ultimate approval of the Sketch Plan, the next planning milestone will be the submission of a Preliminary Plan of Subdivision, as well as a Site Plan. These plans will be submitted with the benefit of the feedback received on the Sketch Plan from both the Montgomery County Planning Department staff, the community (you), and the Planning Board. A mandatory public pre-submission meeting will again be held within 90 days prior to the initial application date of these future Site and Preliminary Subdivision Plan applications. We will announce these dates here and on the project website once they are known.
Learn more at wheatongateway.com.
The Wheaton Gateway Development Team